
Case study for Billie Jo

Billie-Jo has come a long way since starting Talent Match and achieved a lot including: emotional resilience, coping strategies, qualifications, volunteering and gained hope for the future. She is now empowered to make decisions for herself and has a clear vision of what she wants to achieve. She has now signed up to start a full time college course to study Childcare.

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Café Enterprise Experience – What’s that?

The Y Project are offering a Work and Enterprise experience in a Café environment. You will get the chance to see a real life business in action and learn about the catering trade.
You can also get involved as a group to organise a community event from the venue. This can be about anything you have an interest in whether that be art, music etc.

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Do you know what Upcycling is?

Upcycling is converting waste materials or unwanted items into new products. This can be everyday items that get forgotten about or stored away that can be turned into something useful.
Through this you will learn a lot of valuable skills as well as getting creative and savvy!
You will learn business and enterprise skills and develop knowledge of how to sell products.

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NEC Skills show 17/11/2017

Myself and the team visited the NEC skills show in Birmingham on Thursday 17/11/2017. A selected few joined the Youth Summit, which was a huge debate with loads of young people about different topics across the UK. The topic of the day was ‘are career advisers needed? And how can we make them better’.

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