Why not take up the opportunity to perform within a professional touring group where you can also take part in learning about the technical management aspects and also how theatre can be used for educational purposes.
Why not take up the opportunity to perform within a professional touring group where you can also take part in learning about the technical management aspects and also how theatre can be used for educational purposes.
This will give you experience of working within the industry, directly with those already in the field who can give advice and guidance. This might include performances in schools, community settings and/or theatre venues on a national and potentially international basis.
You can gain their accredited Arts Award qualification through participation within this programme.
Outcomes expected
- New specific transferable skills developed- including those required for jobs within the performing arts industry.
- An opportunity to discover new interests and new talents- encouraging commitment, a sense of achievement and possibly a career path.
- Potential progression routes into training and employment opportunities.
If this sounds like your kind of thing, then ask you Mentor to find out more!