Talent Match set out to include young people in every step of its development and that is true of its website. Over the last couple of months we have coded, designed graphics for and have produced a website Talent Match young people can be proud of. The website, designed by Talent Match young people, is being put together with young people always at the helm of each stage of its construction. They have taken reams of suggestions supplied through meticulous consultations and are shaping it into a tool that young people will feel meets their needs; To have a place online where they feel safe.
Talent Match set out to include young people in every step of its development and that is true of its website. Over the last couple of months we have coded, designed graphics for and have produced a website Talent Match young people can be proud of. The website, designed by Talent Match young people, is being put together with young people always at the helm of each stage of its construction. They have taken reams of suggestions supplied through meticulous consultations and are shaping it into a tool that young people will feel meets their needs; To have a place online where they feel safe. It is through the strength of all those involved that Talent Match changes lives.As we use that strength to pull ourselves forward we know that new horizons are just within our grasp.